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The German website Computer Bild is now referencing our Mahjong game and offers free mirror service. You can download the game or write a review by using the following links: Mahjong In Poculis for Windows and/or Mahjong In Poculis for Mac
A Mahjong In Poculis page has been added to Terragame's repository.
BlogDuMac is a french Apple fan website speaking about our Mahjong game: http://www.blogdumac.com/jeux/jeu-mac-mahjong-1559
MaxiApple is a french website dedicated to Apple fans. They speak about Mahjong In Poculis here: http://www.maxiapple.com/2009/04/in-poculis-mahjong-osx-jeu-mahjong.html
SlyDnet is a french website dedicated to help computer users with their daily troubles, they speak about our game but only to say good things about it! http://slydnet.com/jeux/mahjong-in-poculis-jeu-de-mahjong-gratuit